Outside your house, dirt, garbage, and fading paint colors have a major impact on the curb appeal of your property. Dirt might pollute the paint coat that doesn’t give an impactful look to the visitor. Pressure washing is a complicated process that should be approached with caution. You've come to the correct site if you want to pressure wash your house and are seeking pressure washing services. We have listed several companies for you to get an insight into the most astound pressure washing in Youngsville LA!
Q1: How much does it cost to pressure wash a house?
Pressure washing in Youngsville LA is not one of the very expensive jobs. It depends upon the area and, tools, and the company you hire. The prices vary from company to company and type to type. Usually, pressure washing an entire home can cost somewhere between $173 to $358. Rates are usually calculated considering square feet as a base so it can be said that it costs around $0.35 to $0.77 per square foot to pressure wash an entire home. On average, it can cost you $130 to $160 per hour for an entire house. Power only your driveway can cost you between $0.25 to $0.35 per square foot whereas getting your roof power washed can cost you from $0.60 to $0.90 per square foot. In addition to those small areas such as your fencing and gutters cost a bit less to get it power washed. On average power washing, your fence can cost you $0.31 to $0.48 per square foot. Similarly, getting your gutters washed can cost nowhere less than $0.50 to $1.25 per square foot.
Q2: What is the difference between power washing and pressure washing?
Power washing and pressure washing are somehow the same procedures. The only difference between pressure washing and power washing is that power washing procedures require hot water to be used for cleaning different surfaces whereas pressure washing can be carried out with cold water as well. Power washing with hot water makes tough stains like bubble gum and other grease stains vanish, whereas pressure washing is used to clean surfaces like your sideways, patios, and fencing with a comparatively less amount of dirt on them. In the power washing procedure hot water also helps to kill weeds due to hot temperatures. A power washing procedure can cost you around $0.35 to $0.75 per square foot whereas pressure washing can cost you $0.80 to $0.20 per square foot. Pressure washing relies on the high-water pressure to clean surfaces whereas high-temperature water makes it possible with much ease. If you are planning to get any of these, hire one of the recommended contractors listed above for power or pressure washing in Youngsville LA.