The name of Sterling Exteriors in Barrington is well known in the cleaning world. We offer our top-rated home and office cleaning service at a very competitive market rate. Our cleaning team knows how to clean all kinds of stuff without damage. Our aim is maximum customer satisfaction and we use the best cleaning products available in the market. We make sure that the customer demands are fully met and that’s exactly why our returning rate of customers is higher than anyone else. So, whether you want outdoor or indoor cleaning of the building, we are fully equipped to answer your call.
User Reviews (2)

Juanita E. Hubbard
If you are in the search of one of the best siding wash companies in Barrington IL, then Sterling Exteriors, Inc is the one I would recommend. What I liked about Sterling Exteriors, Inc was its professionalism. The siding wash estimates were also accurate, hence, I did not have to pay any extra money. Highly recommended service for siding wash.

Clyde T. Kirt
Sterling Exteriors, Inc is an amazing service! I had a wonderful experience when I hired them. The siding wash estimates were accurate and didn’t have to spend any extra money whatsoever. Also, the service providers were extremely professional and competent; they completed the task at the pre-determined time. It is truly one of the best siding wash companies in Barrington IL.