If you seek a reliable junk removal and hauling service in Chesapeake, VA, there is no better option for you than Get Gone Moving and Hauling. With years of experience in the field and a long, stellar record of excellent customer service, it has become a quality service provider in the area. our team is highly qualified and adept in the modern practices to ensure the quality of work as well as the safety of environment. We sort and compile materials based on their nature. Mainly, the difference is being recyclable and non-recyclable. Our aim is to provide the best service without compromising the quality of environment. So, feel free to give us a call!
User Reviews (1)

Herman A. Thomas
Before hiring Get Gone Moving and Hauling, it was always a mess to properly dispose of garbage. But now, we just hand them all the garbage and they sort it out accordingly. Definitely recommend the company for their proactive approach!