Call us anytime, day or night. Our 24-hour locksmiths are standing by, ready to get you back into your home. Our emergency lockout service, competitive prices, and commitment to excellence put us above our competitors. There isn't a lock that we can't open. We are ready and waiting to unlock your door. Call us at (614) 623-7252 to get back inside your home, business, or vehicle. We service Columbus, OH and neighboring cities.
User Reviews (1)

Terry J. Hart
Forgetting my keys inside the house had become a habit and I was wasting a lot of my time each week or month standing outside my place waiting for a miracle to happen unless I came to know about Buckeye Locksmith. My locksmith is now just a call away and I can live in peace now because I know I cannot get over the habit of forgetting keys inside. Thanks to City Local Pro for listing such great companies!