Asurgent Health - Addiction Treatment Center is an outpatient addiction treatment center near Beachwood, Ohio. Our mission is to build and sustain a positive relationship with the community in which we serve through working with people struggling with addiction and related issues. We are dedicated to exemplary treatment, utilizing evidence-based clinical therapies, client-focused service, and employing the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. We do this through innovative therapy design, excellent patient service, and providing a higher level of quality and service at an affordable price. We treat all forms of chemical dependency, alcohol, drugs, or any other addictive behaviors. Our commitment to "person-centered" care reflects our vision for each person receiving services: to change their lives because they have chosen us as partners in their journey to recovery. We treat all forms of chemical dependency and customize our programs around each client's needs. If you need our help, feel free to visit us or give us a call at 216-400-6640.